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Bewaring deur benutting. Dit is een van die kern beginsels wat oor die jare vir alle geslagte van die Romaco familie geleer is, en dit is juis daarom dat Romaco Ranch net so passievol oor jag is, as wat hulle oor al die ander aktiwiteite op die plaas is.

On Romaco Ranch we strive to offer all our clients The Ultimate Wildlife Experience and believe that customer satisfaction should be one of the cornerstones in all our activities.

Romaco Ranch caters for two different groups of hunters namely Trophy hunters and local meat hunters so as to speak. With regards to Trophy hunters Romaco do not advertise and promote hunts overseas, but we do accommodate other outfitters to come and hunt the species that their clients still needs and are interested in, and because we keep our quota for trophy hunters low so we can offer exceptional trophy animals on a sustainable basis.

Ons binnelandse biltong jagte word baie oordeelkundig toegepas en net ‘n sekere hoeveelheid naweke en bokke word  beskikbaar gestel om te verseker dat ‘n hoë gehalte bokke ten alle tye beskikbaar sal wees tydens alle biltong jagte regdeur die seisoen.

At Romaco Ranch our clients can choose, one of several of our self-catering units to spend the nights. During all our hunts we also make use of our fully equipped hunting vehicles in the form of Toyota LandCruisers and all skinning and slaughtering of animal will be done in our state of the art slaughtering facilities which is also included in all day fees. (see price list and gallery for more information)

Ons sien uit om van al ons voornemende jagters te hoor maar dit is van kardinale belang om vroegtydig te bespreek om teleurstelling te voorkom.

Click below to download the following links;

- Romaco Ranch Pryslys voorblad 2016

- Romaco Ranch Pryslys 2016

- Jagreels

- Hunting Rules

- Padaanwysings Romaco Ranch (Gemsbokfontein)

- Romaco Ranch Padkaart- Gemsbokfontein